Andrea Beugger



Andrea Beugger, born and raised in Switzerland, started dancing at the age of four. In 1993, Andrea graduated from the Rotterdam Academy of Arts.

Her impressive dancecareer goes through Jakop Ahlbom Compagny, Krisztina de Chatel, Hans Hof Ensemble, Karina Holla, Panama Pictures, Danstheater Aya, Vloeistof, Danstheater Telder, Bollwerk, Plan-D, Boukje Schweigman, Dylan Newcomb, Tanzplan Ost, PeterGreeneway and many more.
Through the years she did a large number of collaborations,and also worked as a choreographer for several productions for example Stadschouwburg Amsterdam, Fontys Dance Academy as a workshopleader, coach and dramaturge and she co-founded the Music-Theatre Company Pra. ‘Pra’ develops innovative dance and music projects with and for the elderly in collaboration with children and students of art schools.


Autosalon, Tilburg 2009