Ulrike Doszmann
Ulrike was born in Dresden in the GDR. She started her studies in dance theater in Hamburg and in 1998 went to the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg (modern theater dance) where she obtained her diploma.
Ulrike then worked many different dance productions: Pia Meuthen (Panama Pictures), Gonnie Heggen, Raz (Hans Tuerlings, Sonja Augart (Fragmenta), Ad van Iersel, De Kwekerij, Jochen Stechmann (Traum-a) and with Vloeistof. In 2005 Ulrike started to develop her own work and created a range of solos, often on location: Auf Wiedersehen Helga, Matten, Ik en mijn Fatboy, Weiss, Stalin's Hamster, Weine nicht wenn der Regen fällt. She made her work in collaboration with L'Avventura, Theater de Nieuwe Vorst, Festival Cement, Textile Museum Tilburg, Music stage Paradox and November Music. Ulrike Doszmann's work balances between humor and tragedy. Her work is characterized by trivial and recognizable situations, which are almost absurdistically alienated. She doesn't spare herself. Ulrike often works on location. Sad empty shops, luxurious kitchen-diners, a water fountain, the window of a clothing store; Places that everyone knows are taken out of their context or reinforced in such a way that it shows a completely different aspects, related to personal narratives.
Next to creating work, Ulrike is giving danceworkshops for many years. Currently she is regularly teaching at Fontys for the department AMPA in Tilburg.
Ulrike has been working with Vloeistof since 2004 and danced in seven productions. Her humor, drive and ingenuity inspire every work process. Through the years she developed an strong knowledge of working in Public Space which she teaches in master classes together with Anja Reinhardt.
