Wannes de Porre


Wannes was born in Gent, Belgium. He started his study in Performing Arts at the Instituut of Art in Gent. In 2007 he specialized himself in dance theatre at the Amsterdam School of Arts (AHK).

After graduating in 2012, he started to work as a freelance dancer/performer with several choreographers among which Conny Janssen (Conny Janssen Danst), Joost Vrouenraets (Gotra Ballet), Jasper van luijk (SHIFFT), Loic Perela (Dans ateliers), Nannine Linning, Johannes Bellinx, Alexandra Meijer (Keski.e.space), Manon Avermaete (Cie Woest), Andreas Denk (Plan-d/Andreas Denk) Josefien van Rhenen (De Dansers) and others. He discribes himself as a charismatic physical performer in a search of how to give his audience a special time.