Interactive windows
Go crazy, play with time and space!

At an unexpected location, you’ll be surprised by the interactive dance installation of Vloeistof. The images will grab you instantly. The scenes are short: the stories are told within seconds. The projected film shows complex images the eye cannot catch straight away. Time and space play an important role - the forward and backwards movements don’t seem to match the film. The audience is directing the movie, through its own movement by fast forwarding or back playing it, speeding it up or slowing it down...discovering new things all the time!
It is a new way of experiencing dance.
Film Bob Driessen
Choreography Anja Reinhardt, Yuri Bongers
Dance Andrea Beugger, Lisa Beese, Rex Clemesia, Anja Reinhardt, Evangelos Biskas
Coproduction Cinedans, Erasmushuis Jakarta, Fabcity
Financier Gemeente Tilburg

Shown at: Cinedans March 2016, FabCity (Cultural Programm Amsterdam Chair Of EU) June 2016, Festival Boulevard August 2016, Dansmaand Tilburg 2016, Cultuurnacht Tilburg 2016, Chirurgencongress Harderwijk Oct 2016. For Europe By People, Vloeistof developed two extra scenes at the Kop van Java (Isle in Amsterdam) inspired by the FabCity vibes. Some of the dance films are made in co-production with EKIdance Jakarta en SENI Surakarta.
Interactive Windows in action