Sliding Slope
The water is right up to our throats. You see four people striving to survive on the rooftop of a drowning house.

Dancetheatre on a rooftop of a flooded house
Climate change is the driving force for this exciting outdoor performance:
Between recognizability and absurdism the audience becomes involved in the pressing situation of rising waters and the potential of drowning in a self created scenario.
A roof on the water, similar to a sinking ship. On the slippery surface, four people fight for survival. Will they make it? Who will try to find a solution for everyone, who will only want to save his own skin?
Vloeistof interprets the problems of climate change and rising sea levels in a memorable way: the loss of control and the possibly greatest talent of humanity: the denial of what we have created ourselves.
Are you heating up a little bit?
Choreography Anja Reinhardt, Yuri Bongers
Dance Martina Gunkel, Lisa Beese, Carlo Camagni, Johannes Lind, Kilian Haselbeck, Moene Roovers
Music Jesse Koolhaas
Advice Danae Theodoridou
Coproduction Festival Onderstroom
Financier Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Noord-Brabant, Tilburg voor Cultuur, Gemeente Tilburg
The prototype of the roof was created with the support of the Bosch Parade, with the project 'We leven vrolijk verder' in 2016.
Première in 2017 at Piushaven via Theater De Nieuwe Vorst (Tilburg).
Tour 86 performances in seven countries (amongst others) : Festival De Karavaan (Alkmaar), Festival Onderstroom (Vlissingen), Botanische Tuinen Bogor Indonesia, Festival Het Parcours/Theater aan het Vrijthof (Maastricht), Brabant Kennis (Climate Conference Brabant Kennis), Van Rijn Festival, Buitengewoon Doetinchem, Sonsbeek, Olst Kunstfietsroute, Reuring, Veurne (Belgium), La Strada Internationales Festival der Strassenkunst Bremen (Germany), Zeeland Nazomer Festival / Flood Museum, Internationales Strassentheater Festival Holzminden (Germany), Julidans (Vondelpark Amsterdam), Straatfestival Leeuwarden, Theaterterras Amersfoort, Greenwich Docklands International Festival (London), Festival Dos Canais Aveiro (Portugal), Waternet Amsterdam, Muiderslot, FAB Festival Bordeaux (France)
Hellend Vlak London
crowdfunding support
Mede mogelijk gemaakt middels crowdfunding door: Julie Vegter, Radislav Semenov, Riet Bongers, Peter Van Meel, Miesjel Van Gerwen, Paul Janssen, Nick J Swarth, Jaap Bongers, Bob Driessen, Thijs Van Pruissen, Marjolein Tops, Marc Eysink, Gonny Jüngst, Maudie Der Kinderen, Claudius Schulze, Sanne Wichman, Marja Kemps, Leendert (Roof Top Energy), Eelco Roovers, An Bastiaans, Ruth Wilmans, Jan Doms, Boy Jonkergow, Cindy Klerks, Geert Overdam, Natalie Nijs, Wim De Jong, Mieke Lamar en anderen.
Special thank to architect Jan Noordman for the reconstruction of the roof.